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WordPress Website Maintenance for DIYers [Free Mini Course]

Course Outline

  • Let’s Keep Your Website Shipshape
    • Step 1: Backup Backup Backup
    • Step 3: Updating Safely
    • Step 4: Troubleshooting Tips
    • Step 5: Essential Plugins

Your Progress


Maintaining your website shouldn’t be too hard or complicated, but it’s so important to ensure your website is safe and secure.

Your Step by Step Guide to Maintaining your WordPress Website

Your website isn’t a set-and-forget thing.

The software components used to develop your website are constantly being updated to not only add new features and bug fixes, but to combat the ever-present threat all websites face of security breaches and malware attacks.

Your website needs regular maintenance to ensure all updates are applied, backups are current, and no nasties have found their way in!


By the end of this short course, you will have the confidence to complete the following steps to a shipshape website:

  1. The all-important backup
  2. Understanding website security
  3. Applying updates
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Chossing the right plugins (including my top 10 faves!)



Click the ENROL button below to get started!


Free Mini Course